USD 1,950,000
USD 12,187.50 لكل متر مربع

At Kadırga Sultanahmet Area, Restorated Hotel at the Sea Front

  • 4 غرف
  • 2 حمام
  • 160 م2

وصف العقار

Villa Galley Boutique Hotel is a touristical complex running since 13 months Booking point is 9.3 over 10. Airbnb point is 4.8 over 5. Since 13 months managemenet history %95 customer satisfaction gained. 9 room available canbe extend up to 12 with refurbishment, all rooms has bathroom with sea,garden and garden scenery. Kitchen & Breakfast saloon, terrace and garden also available. Terrace has fascinating sea view, terrace can be extend too. Kitchen & Breakfast room situated in basement. Turkish hamam, SPA can be built in unused area. Every rooms have air condition, LCD TV, minibar, fire alarm dedector. Building Details Building has 8 mt fronted to street and sea side Both sides are adjacented. Total= 310m2 usage area Additional Area= 200m2 can be extend up Open Area= 60m2 ( Terrace and garden) Additional open area= 100m2 In door Area= 250m2 ( Rooms, bathrooms, reception, kitchen, lobby, storage room

تفاصيل العقار

نوع العقار فيلا
المساحة 160 م2
غرف 4
حمام 2
نوع العقد للبيع
عدد الشوارع 0
  • ثلاثاء, 10/25/2016 - 13:40
  • 5

المؤشر العقاري

حاسبة التمويل العقاري

realty tr

مندوب مكتب عقارات

مهتم في Properties of دول الخليج العربي,Properties of تركيا
البريد الإلكتروني
العنوان TURKEY marmaris
عدد العقارات المعروضة 87

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اختر الخدمة لمعرفة مقدار المسافة

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